At the CrossRoads

One of the SMSes that I received read "Life is a hard teacher, it takes the test first and then teaches the lesson".  I am currently going through a phase where I am learning something new everyday. The learning is not necessarily from my personal experience but also from others like I mentioned here… 

Recently I have completed a new chapter after a tiring test. The lesson is about how you perceive or how you react to situations in life.  The result of the test concluded that there are two ways of reacting to a situation. The way you react paves the way for the next set of situations and for the next set of lessons and tests. 

The first kind of reaction is the easiest and most common method wherein you blame others for the situation. This is the signature and copyright protected method of our politicians :). Whatever happens they say, it’s a game to harm them by the opposition party. And we all know how true is this statement. If you are following this method, its like you are keeping your wounds open and inviting others to finger in. Check this out to know what I mean. 

The other one, often rarely used and often difficult to adapt is of being honest to ourselves; taking ourselves back to the drawing table and evaluating oneself. This is difficult to do as it requires us to keep aside the ego; accept that we can be wrong, do wrong; understand that we too have weakness, have deficiencies and this is as difficult as trekking Himalayas.  

But if you don’t take the second path you are in simple words cheating yourself and by doing so blocking the gates, closing the doors to learn, to improve and ultimately to grow. By trying to hide your mistakes, your in fact exposing them. People around you now know better how to trick you, how to exploit your deficiencies.  Its like being on the crossroads with two doors. You can choose only one of them and the door you choose decides the next course of action. By being honest to ourselves, we open the door of growth and by not being honest to , we are opening the door where there is everything except for growth in all terms....

All the best for your journey guys...

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