Don't let wounds open

This is a story of two friends John and Johny. Both work in the same organization and stay together in a youth hostel. John is elder and has around  5-6 years of work experience whereas Johny has just started his career. Everyday after dinner, both would go on a walk and Johny would start the same old story. The story of his boss, his colleagues. According to Johny, his boss and colleagues keep on harassing him on anything and everything. They consider Johny unfit for the job. The constant nagging in the office was taking its toll on Johny's health also. John was bored of these daily dose of drama but would patiently listen to Johny and console him because Johny was the sole bread earner in his family. He had a ailing mother and younger sisters to be taken care of. John initially thought Johny was a slow learner and a fresher and so he is not able to cope up with the pressure of the Job. 
Incidentally John was moved in the team along with Johny. He was baffled by the way Johny conducted himself with his colleagues and boss. John realized that there is another side to Johny's stories which he is personally witnessing. Johny was not a slow learner, he was a adamant guy with " I know Everything" kinda attitude. He would commit mistakes and if somebody tries to correct him, he would just ignore them. The frequency of mistakes was increasing with each passing day. Unfortunately, the mistakes were being repeated even after training and hand-holding from his colleagues. At last, Johny's boss had to take a call and Johny was given a final chance. Any more mistakes and Johny is history for the organization. 
Johny was troubled and needed someone to console him. So he came with a heavy heart and tears filled eyes to John. John talked to him for a few minutes and left. Since then, Johny has been one of the star performers in the team. He is consulted more than anybody in the team. He has gained respect,applause of his team mates and his boss.

Any guesses what did John told Johny that saved his career and transformed his life...

John said listen dude, there is nothing wrong in committing mistakes. We are human beings and we are bound to commit mistakes. But if the same mistake is repeated, theres a problem that needs to be addressed. The reason why somebody repeats a mistakes is because he/she has not learnt how to avoid/handle it. And the learning doesn't happen if you hardly care about it and you are not open to learning.

If you consider mistakes as wounds on your body, when people tell you or criticize you about your mistakes, you should be thankful to them. They are showing you your open/untreated wounds. You should immediately treat them, cover them. The constant nagging you are face is because you force people to hit you on your wounds so that you realize that you are wounded.  Being a non-learner, a closed person is like keeping the wounds open and untreated. And so you have all the chances of  people hitting onto the wounds and wounds turning sore...very sore...

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