For me, Technology is an Enabler. It should enable people to have a better life, enable to communicate better, enable to perform better, enable to socialize better, empower people to make this world a better place to live.
Internet is one such technology. I have experienced its power when I was abroad sometime back and now in India, I experience Internet using my Data card. But I felt Internet is fun when I saw my Grandpa smiling because of Internet.
Internet and my grandpa
My younger bro is studying abroad. My grandfather (94) is very fond of him and would miss him badly. We used to call my bro and talk to him but my grandpa would long to see him. Thanks to my 3G based Internet data card. I can bring cheer to my grandpa. I use Skype/Google Talk to have a video chat with my bro and so now, my grandpa can talk to him, see him and believe me, the kind of smile and joy it brings to my grandpa is to be seen to be believed. Obviously at 94 my grandpa’s hearing and vision are not as crisp as they are when he was 23, but thanks to the Internet speed, the picture and voice quality is flawless. He thoroughly enjoys the video chat and eagerly awaits the next encounter to experience the power of Internet.
What can be more fun than watching a 94 year old have a chat with his grandson and get cheerful, what can be more fun for people like my grandpa to be connected to their dear ones even though physically they are thousands of miles away. As I mentioned at the start of this post, technology is an enabler. From my experience, I say Internet enables people to communicate better than ever before, it strengthens the social bonds which is what makes us Humans, it brings cheer. I feel Internet is fun because it empowers us, its an enabler, it’s a technology of unlimited possibilities. As they say Internet makes me simply shout wow.
Internet empowers
Thinking on a wider tangent, I feel the Internet will play a very key and vital role in the development of India especially the rural India. The utilities are infinite. I have listed down a few of the possible use cases of Internet based approaches for development and growth.
- Having video chat kiosk to help farmers,
- Having Video chat facility in Govt. hospitals to provide better health facilitates,
- Having Internet enabled Kiosk in villages to sell directly on the commodities market
- Having virtual schools where prominent teachers deliver lectures online
- Enabling government to have IT governed processes i.e e-governance which are transparent and thus reduce corruption.
Thanks to Mobile Service providers like Vodafone who have rolled out 3G enabled Internet services across India.Many of us are going to get connected to Internet using the Mobile Phones and it would be the first time they will have the privilege to experience the Internet and hopefully enter into a era that will empower all of us to make the most of now…
That’s why Internet is Fun… 
To summarize, Internet has a huge potential of making difference in terms of governance, in terms of education, in terms of helping the underprivileged. In simple words, Internet connected India is synonym of empowered India. As I have been repeating, Internet is a technology of unlimited possibilities and that’s why, for me, Internet is fun because it empowers people, empowers the governments to make this world a better place to live...
Internet is fun…Enjoy it, avail it, help spread it, strengthen it and in doing so get yourself growing…
Do let me know views on how Internet is fun…
This post is my entry to the Vodafone sponsored “Internet is Fun” Content on
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ReplyDeleteThanks Rashmi..