1. Knowing what to do is important, knowing what not to do is critical – Its my belief
2. Don’t expect a lion not to eat you because you are a vegetarian –unknown
3. We are creators of emotions and not logic –unknown
4. Brevity is the soul of wit –unknown
5. Be a visionary and also a fire-fighter- Ratan Tata
6. The best way to kill competition is to partner it – Its my belief
7. Practice transforms a skill into an art – Its my belief
8. A good question beats a good answer – Alan Webber, Fast Company co-founder
9. Help others think instead of thinking for others – unknown 
10. People who are intent on proving they are right are usually the same people that are not particular curious – Fast Company
I would be more than happy to take this list beyond 10 lined so be generous in contributing to the list by using the comments section. Lets target a 100% thinking world…