I was travelling with a friend who knew the route to our
destination. I had Google maps on too. But I was following my friends
So every time I took a different turn, Google maps would say
"OK" and then direct me again. This kept on happening a few times.
And my friend and I thought, what if Google maps assistant is humanized?
It would have behaved like a friend. And so, the conversation
between the voice assistant and me would have been something like this...
The first time I didn't follow its direction, it would be been
nice in suggesting the route to follow.
The second time I disobey the directions, the voice assistant's
temper would have gone up a
little but still in control.
The third time, and the voice assistant would have used a slang
to address me and said "*****, what the **** are you doing?
The fourth time, it would have been like. You know the route so
you go on...I am not bothered now. And go in standby mode.
And if I switch on Google maps in the next trip, it would have
said " you think you are a smart **** so figure out your on your own. I am
am not telling you directions until you treat me."