I have a 4 year old son and his passion is vehicles. Cars, trains, tractors, bike, bus drive him crazy. He can play all day long with them. Here's a view of his garage. His favorite is Nano.
When I am playing with my kiddo, I try to intermix gyan with fun. I try to introduce concepts like Fuel, Braking, Money etc. When I am driving and stop at a Fuel station, I explain him the need of Fuel. He then imitates that while playing at home. I pay bill and talk to him about the significance of money and how money is earned.
And my idea for creative printables is
I wanted to teach my kid to Tell Time. I thought why not leverage his passion for cars? That would make it easier and fun for him to tell time.
I decided to make a paper clock. Each hour letter was accompanied by a colorful picture of a vehicle that my son understands. I created the basic template in MS Power point. Google helped me finding the colorful pictures. Following is the template that I created.
But my kiddo was going to play w
How But my kiddo was going to play with the clock in real world. And so it was important that the colors that are so gorgeous in PPT are equally fantastic in the real world. HP printer came to my aid here. I got the clock printed on a Photo paper.
The only task left was before I can start teaching my kiddo was to add the Long Hand and Short hand. Heres a look at the final product.
How the Clock helped?
My idea was to teach him time telling by taking the car as the cue. So say if I want to teach him 12. I said when both the long and short hand meet on Rocket, its 12. I wanted him to look at the watch and know that its time to sleep. I told him that when the Long Hand is on Rocket and the short hand is on Airplane, its time for you to sleep.
Fun things you can do with your printer
The journey so far has been fun. There is no debate on the point that without a color printer, I would have never imagined creating such a clock. The entire clock creation process was a time well spent with my son. He thoroughly enjoyed the process. He is still learning to see time. My journey is still on. I have to teach him the concept of Half and Quarter. So I am sure, I will have a version 2 of this clock.
During the making of the clock, I realized that What you can with a color printer at home is limitless.
Do feel free download and customize the image if you think its funny and interesting. Do drop me an email I am happy to share the PPT template too.
P.S : This project was created to participate in the "Fun things you can do with your printer" contest listed here