I read this piece of news about Facebook conducting experiment to on people without their knowledge and consent.
The experiment was to validate a theory about Human psychology that says "people feel bad when they see others are happy and vice-versa"
In simple words the theory says that if you see your friend's awesome Holiday pictures, you will feel bad that are you not having the fun your friend is having.
Similarly, if you read about something bad, you would be happy and thankful that it didn’t happen to you.
You are not doing these things consciously. It is happening in the background and so nothing to feel bad about it.
My research on this issue
I have saved the stories based on which I wrote this post in Storify. It is an interesting read for a lazy afternoon. Do go through it. You will find answers to key questions like
Why we get addicted to Facebook?
Why is it so difficult to avoid Facebook?
Key take-ways from the research
At first, I just read the news as another piece of social media flake and forgot it...but thinking about the psychological theory, I thought of checking it on myself. I went through my Facebook time and tried to note the emotions that I experienced. I realized the theory is true…
I researched more to find out the cases and stories about the impact of social Media. And to my wonder, I found millions of stories of people feeling unhappy, people comparing themselves to others and more. And all this because of your favorite Facebook.
The other psychological impact of Facebook I came to know is called as "Instant Gratification". As soon as something happens, you want to let the world know about it through Facebook. You long for comments and likes. Over the period of time, this becomes an addiction. You feel bad if there are not enough comments and likes on your status, photos etc. This is instant gratification. Longing for instant happiness, instant validation, instant feedback.
Is Facebook Ruining Our Lives? – An infographic by the team at Who Is Hosting This.com
So the first and only point is , stop using Facebook…
How will this impact your life?
In one word, you will be more happy.
- Yeah, you will not have to check your phone regularly.
- Because your happiness is not dependent on others validation, You will have less worry. You would be more happy and so live longer.
I know I have posted this on Facebook, I am trying guys…