These days every thing is a project. Everything is about KRA completion. Infact, KRA achievement is the only thing which everybody is looking to accomplish. And this not because of the poeple, the system itself is such that everything your appraisal, your growth, your honour everything is linked to KRA. If you fail to achieve your KRA, you are no good for anything. Infact, for Blogging also theres a KRA. If you dont update your blog often, you are no longer in the results of search engines and thus have no traffic. Update your blog periodcially is one of the most popular tips found on the Internet if you search for ideas and tips popularise your blog and gain traffic. I am sure the KRA fever was this strong a few years later. It is probabaly the result of the ever increasing competition. But is KRA fulfilling, project completion, beating competition, being on the top the only thing to think about, to be worried of, worth our effort and time. I feel NO its not the only thing. Though these are one of the most important things of our lives for survivial, for a good living, for a better life; it also important to check ensure while fulfulling KRA's one is not disturbing the KRA of others, KRA of Nature, KRA of being human. Otherwise, it would like riding a Bike to win the race and during the journey you kicked some people, killed a dozen more, injured a few more people and animals, destroyed the road itself. Project completion is important but I feel even more important aspect to ensure that it doesn't distrub the ecosystem of people and nature involved in and around the project. I feel this aspect should be an integral part of the Project planning and management.
The Global warming is a result of one such miss of ours. We forgot to take care of our Mother nature while being in the race to grow, to develop new things, to make our lives better. Its good that we have reliased it and trying to fix it by going green in every walk of our lives and hopefully the Global warming will become a history soon.
The same point is applicable for our personal and professional lives. Its not good to disturb the ecosystem around us for the sake of our own ambitions, our own KRAs, our own selfishness. Otherwise, in accordance to the very vital physics law of sir Newton "Everything has equal and opposite reaction", we might have to face reactions which nullify the success of KRA fulfillment.