Some time back, I happened to attend a yoga class organized by my company. The instructor was talking about the benefits of Yoga and during that revealed a nice little thing. He said, if your body pains, you should be thankful to it. According to him, body pains to convey that it’s not in the best of the shape/form and it needs to be looked at. It is our body's own mechanism of complaining. Without this, I am sure we would have never understood what’s happening to our body because of the daily wear and tear and our lifestyle. The best part that the complaint comes to us in stages. The severity keeps on increasing with each going day and so the content of the complain. Starting from light pain when the damage has just started to severe pain when the damage is almost near the thresold and at times complete disability of an organ when the damage has crossed the thresold point. The early we pay attention to these complaints and start the maintenance the lesser will be the severity of the pain.
I feel the climatic changes which we all the seeing, the erratic monsoon, the unpredictable seasons, increased number of storms, melting glaciers, increased average temperature of earth etc... are all different ways of our mother nature to grab our attention and convey the message...
“ Hey Guys, am not in good shape. Start the repair work urgently or I will be damaged beyond repair”.
The global warming is a global warning from our mother planet to save itself and in turn save the very life on earth.